Open Call for Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt 2025

Aug. 6, 2024

Goldrausch Künstlerinneprojekt was initiated in 1989 by the Goldrausch Frauennetzwerk Berlin e.V. to counteract the structural disadvantages faced by women* artists in exhibitions and the art market. The program supports women in forging individual career paths, expanding their practical knowledge as freelancers and publicly presenting their works.

The course combines practical tasks with various insights into the art world and the continuous training of presentation techniques and communication strategies. This includes the design of an individual website, studio talks and discussions of artworks. Also part of the curriculum are the basics of self-employment, public relations and project planning, as well as the creation of a catalog and a group exhibition. Experienced art historians lead the seminars and additionally invite curators, gallerists and other experts who engage with participating artists on an equal footing. Practical know-how, which can be implemented in order to pursue a successful career, is exchanged and further developed. Fundamental knowledge of the art sector, its practice and key players, as well as an understanding of networks is provided by Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt’s ever-growing network of alumnae, which consists of more than 477 former participants.

The 12-month program is specifically aimed at women* as well as intersex and non-binary people. Each year, it welcomes 15 Berlin-based, German-speaking participants with experience in artistic practice, clear goals and strong motivation. The funding covers the costs of the training, however, participants need to have time and resources available to develop concepts of mediation and marketing in addition to studio work. Participants can get in touch with Manon Frugier (they/sie) at with questions about the next course, which will take place from January until December 2025.

Application Info
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2024

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