Kuyum Tanzplattform 2024 at Theaterhaus Berlin

Sept. 13, 2024

Kuyum Tanzplattform, the annual dance festival dedicated to the visibility and promotion of neo-African choreographies, will be hosted this year from September 25th to 29th at the Theaterhaus Berlin. Artists of African descent from both Germany and abroad, as well as non-African artists who incorporate neo-African dance practices into their work, are invited to participate. A particular focus of this festival edition is the theme of Afrofuturism. The works presented at the Kuyum Tanzplattform thus combine neo-African dance⁠—free of the pressure to conform to any clichés about the genre⁠—with elements of science fiction and fantasy interwoven with the rich history of Africa and its diaspora⁠s, offering inspiration for a more diverse future.

Julienne Doko: ‘W.O.M.B. (Worth of My Body)’ // Photo © Julie Malmstrøm

Program highlights include the premiere of ‘Mutual Crossing’ by Black Pearl & Jared MK aka Fetish Priesta, which represents a healing process through fluid movement and music, envisioning a reality where diversity is embraced and creative energy is harnessed to transform the world. ‘Ca$hbaby,’ a dance solo by Yvonne Sembene, delves into historical and contemporary issues of Black female identity and its relationship to money. Julienne Doko’s ‘W.O.M.B. (Worth of My Body)’ explores the poetry, compassion and pain of creating life and reflects on different cultural perceptions of motherhood. ‘Equi Libre,’ a collaboration between Ikhyeon Park, Sanga Ouattara and Yahi Nestor Gahé, fuses dance and visual arts to explore the theme of finding balance within oneself and the world amidst rising inequalities and conflicts. The festival also features nine additional dance pieces (including one world and three German premieres), an immersive exhibition by Natisa Exocé Kasongo, a concert by Paraya Diallo, as well as opportunities for networking and cooperation on artistic perspectives.

Yahi Nestor Gahé: ‘EQUI LIBRE’ // © Matthias Schneider Hollek

The Kuyum Tanzplattform understands itself as a catalyst for a new perception of African dance forms. In this context, it also offers a theoretical component⁠—the conference ‘Dancing the future, education, healing & ecology’⁠—in tandem with the festival. Coordinated and moderated by Nora Amin, it will take place on September 24th at Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin, with guest artists Sandra Noeth, Pasquale Virginie Rotter and Duduzile Voigts.

Festival Info

Kuyum Tanzplattform 2024

Festival: Sept. 25-29, 2024
Theaterhaus Berlin, Neue Jakobstraße 9, 10179 Berlin, click here for map

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