
Light // Cerith Wyn Evans at Galerie Neu


Article by Rebecca Partridge in Berlin // Oct. 19, 2016
Set back in a gated hinterhof off Linienstraße, Galerie Neu’s visitors have to know what they are looking for. The freestanding architecture of the gallery is an in-between space—being both…[read on]

Euan Williams

by Rebecca Partridge // Oct. 7, 2016
My invitation to the studio of artist Euan Williams came with strict instructions to bring a pen: “It shouldn’t be a biro, or water resistant, it should be an ink that could…[read on]

Jeff Weber

by Alison Hugill // Sept. 29, 2016
Self-effacing artists are hard to find these days. In the history of photographic theory, critics overzealously claimed for the medium an outward looking gaze that…[read on]