
March 30: The Anxious Prop Review

This feuilleton is both a sporadic publication and a loose collective operating under the aegis of The Anxious Prop. That which is common is the desire to work with two looping, yet sequential parameters…[read on]

Art Auction: Saturday, Mar. 19, 2011

Operating under the mission, “bringing the right art to the people and the right people to the art,” founders Rachel de Joode and Maria Kamutzki hope to replace pretense with passion at their biannual auctions…[read on]

Curatorial Intensive: Summer 2011

Feb. 28, 2011
The Curatorial Intensive organised by Independent Curators International (ICI) is a one week training program for emerging curators that takes place between July 10–18, 2011…[read on]

Transmediale: Feb. 1–6, 2011

transmediale presents and pursues the advancement of artistic positions reflecting on the socio-cultural, political and creative impact of new technologies, network practices and digital…[read on]

Berlin-Paris 2011: Jan. 14–15, 2011

After two successful editions, in which Berlin-Paris has become an international gallery weekend fixture in everyone’s art diaries, the event kicks off in January 2011 for the third time. Once again, the joint weekends will feature several high-quality new participating galleries…[read on]