Apr. 23, 2019
Localize, the festival of culture, art and city, invites artists to rediscover the Freundschaftsinsel (friendship island) located in the city centre of Potsdam this summer 2019. In this gem of garden art, amongst shrubs and bronze sculptures, set between weeping willows and boat rentals, Localize makes room for interpretations, jumping into the breach and negating the familiar.
Localize is looking for artists who question, confront and challenge the topic of “Islands” through art, light, sound, objects, photography, video, text, intervention or performance. Whether developed on site during a six-week residency or through the submission of thematically appropriate work, Localize is looking for artwork that focuses on the subject of “Islands”.
Islands are places of longing for idyllic, exotic and philosophical fantasies and ascriptions. Due to their seclusion, they have their own logic. An island is isolated. It differs fundamentally from the mainland and is thus suitable for the localisation of Otherness. Insular thinking is thinking within boundaries and bubbles.
Application Info
Deadline: May 19, 2019