June 12, 2019
The International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC) are explicitly intended to stimulate new critical writing. The aim of these awards is to support independent critical coverage of contemporary art, away from the immediate pressures of the market, media and private or state patronage. They seek to stimulate good writing, critical thinking, dialogue and research. They are judged anonymously in English, but are open to candidates from anywhere, writing in Chinese or English about any contemporary art exhibition held anywhere in the world over the previous twelve months. There’s no age limit, and they are open to all.
Entrants are required to submit a piece of critical writing about a contemporary art exhibition held anywhere in the world, between September 15th, 2018 and September 15th, 2019. The start and end dates of the exhibition may fall outside these dates, but the exhibition must have been open to the public at some stage during this period.
This year’s awards will be as follows:
First prize: 10,000 Euros plus a short visit to Shanghai or London for an essay in Chinese or English.
Three equal second prizes of 3,500 Euros for an essay in Chinese or English.
Application Info
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2019
Submissions will be welcomed from May 30th, 2019 onwards.