Posts Tagged ‘Art in Berlin’

Lisa Holzer

by Katharine Doyle // Sept. 12, 2017
“I used to cry a lot at parties.” I came across this statement on the press release for Lisa Holzer’s exhibition first solo exhibition ‘I come in you – The Party Sequel…[read on]


by Michelle Standley // Sept. 5, 2017
A few hours after our official studio visit, I returned to Sanderstraße. That’s the street in Neukölln where you will find artist and performer, Juwelia Soraya’s studio space, Galerie…[read on]

Douglas Gordon

by Berlin Art Link Productions // Mar. 22, 2017
Scottish, Berlin-based artist Douglas Gordon gained critical acclaim in the art world with his 1996 Turner Prize win and his piece ’24 Hour Psycho’, a rear-projected…[read on]

The Instrument

by Beatrix Joyce // Mar. 6, 2017
Falling outside of the mainstream, Berlin’s performance scene exudes a kind of freedom that opens it to a diverse amalgamation of performers…[read on]

Hanne Lippard

by Göksu Kunak // Feb. 28, 2017
Several years ago, Hanne Lippard and I were constantly bumping into each other on the corner of Adalbertstraße and Oranienstraße, close to…[read on]

Nasan Tur

by Rebecca Partridge // Feb. 21, 2017
For those who visited Nasan Tur’s recent solo show at Blain|Southern, ‘Funktionieren’, it would be easy to think that you have already been privy to the inner-workings of the artist’s studio…[read on]

Pierwoss & Siska

Berlin Art Link Studio Visit with Pierwoss & Siska
by Rebecca Partridge // Dec. 19, 2016
Franziska Pierwoss and Siska, two artists working both independently and in collaboration, met in Lebanon in 2007 when German-born Pierwoss visited the country…[read on]

Dellbrügge & de Moll

Berlin Art Link Studio Visit with Dellbrügge & De Moll
by Brit Seaton // Dec. 12, 2016
Christiane Dellbrügge and Ralf de Moll invite us into their minimal, office-like Kreuzberg Wohnstudio – a space established for living and working. Finding the balance…[read on]

Susanne Rottenbacher

by Alison Hugill // Oct. 25, 2016
The scale and placement of German artist Susanne Rottenbacher’s impressive light sculptures varies greatly from project to project, but their construction…[read on]

Euan Williams

by Rebecca Partridge // Oct. 7, 2016
My invitation to the studio of artist Euan Williams came with strict instructions to bring a pen: “It shouldn’t be a biro, or water resistant, it should be an ink that could…[read on]

Jeff Weber

by Alison Hugill // Sept. 29, 2016
Self-effacing artists are hard to find these days. In the history of photographic theory, critics overzealously claimed for the medium an outward looking gaze that…[read on]

Chiharu Shiota

by Louisa Elderton // Sept. 15, 2016
I first entered the Prenzlauer Berg studio of Chiharu Shiota one year ago. How quickly a year passes. I took off my shoes at her request: blue or grey slippers? Blue…[read on]