Posts Tagged ‘Austria’
Open Call for the STRABAG Artaward International
Jan. 8, 2024
The STRABAG Artaward is an award for the support of artists from Austria, Germany and Slovenia. Participants must be citizens of one of these three countries or must have been…[read on]
The Anxiety of Art: ‘Systems of Belief’ at Halle für Kunst
by Dagmara Genda // Dec. 19, 2022
Perhaps it’s because art hasn’t centred on handwork for at least a good six decades now that exhibitions tend to veer toward immersive, experiential formats. Surround sound,…[read on]
Open Call for IF Innovation Award
Apr. 23, 2021
Immaterial Future Association is calling for innovative solutions that contribute to unleash the full power of culture. The winner will receive 50,000 Euros non-equity…[read on]
Surrogate Seeing: ‘Kunst Kann’ at Haus am Lützowplatz
by Noëlle BuAbbud // Jan. 22, 2021
Haus am Lützowplatz improvised, their creative solution being an ‘Avatar Tour’ format, whereby one of their staff takes a group “visitors” on a first person viewing of the exhibition…[read on]
Open Call // Artist-in-Residence Opportunity in Krems, Austria
Berlin // May 26, 2017
AIR―ARTIST IN RESIDENCE – a multi-disciplinary program for architects, visual artists, musicians and writers – offers living and working spaces for a period of one to three months. In order to…[read on]
Video // Interview: A Moment With Waqas Khan
Article by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Friday, Feb. 27, 2015.
Waqas Khan‘s work is a meditative pause in the present moment, taking the form of a series of highly precise yet organic patterns composed of dots or lines. Khan has been working on his exhibition at the Galerie Krinzinger in Vienna for the last year, conscientiously considering how…[read on…]
Art as Politics: Vienna’s 12th ELIA Biennial Conference
Article by Evanna Folkenfolk – in Berlin; Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012.
The Viennese ELIA Biennial Conference will celebrate its 12th installment this November and, as though a European arts biennial needed any more of a draw, Yoko Ono will be there…[read on…]