by Louisa Stark in Berlin // Mar. 25, 2018
At a glance Natalie Frank’s most recent work seems to follow in the tradition of Edgar Degas, both in her choice of subject matter and its subversion. The New York based artist’s 2017 exhibition at Rhona Hoffman Gallery was a…[read on]
Berlin // Feb. 08, 2018
Artist-run exhibition space gr_und will be hosting a lively and unusual competition, calling for artists and general public participants alike to draw aspects or the whole of a still life made from ‘Hackfleisch’ (minced meat in…[read on]
Article and Photos by Brigid Cara in Berlin // Jan. 30, 2017
Now showing at Contemporary Fine Arts until Mar. 4 is the exhibition ‘Difficult Pleasures’ with works by two Australian painters, Cressida Campbell and…[read on]