
Exhibition // A Seance at Daniel Marzona Gallery

Blog post by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Thursday, Nov. 05, 2015.

Last Thursday I received a cryptic phone call inviting me to Daniel Marzona Gallery that evening for the opening of an art show, that would take the shape of a seance. Nobody knew much more than that. When I arrived at the gallery that evening for the event, titled Revenant: Don’t Expect[read on…]

Exhibition // Abjection in the Digital Age at Import Projects

Blog post by April Dell – in Berlin; Thursday, Sep. 24, 2015.

Abjection in the information age is rooted in a distrust of communication and information dissemination, a fear of infinite possibilities, alienation in a digital world, and a mourning for authenticity. Abjects is the latest exhibition at Import Projects, a group show featuring Eloise Bonneviot, Emily Jones, Paul Kneale, Yuri Pattison, and Andrew Norman Wilson[read on…]

Review // “Talking Galleries” Not Saying Much at Berlin Art Week

Blog post by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Monday, Sep. 21, 2015.

Berlin Art Week partnered with Talking Galleries this year to produce two lectures on the contemporary role of galleries in the art world. The first panel on Friday, September 18, was titled “The Added Value of Working Alongside a Gallery” and was moderated by the director of the Tate Modern, …[read on…]

Exhibition // Project Space Festival: XCHANGE

Blog post by Gabi Gershuny – in Berlin; Sunday, Sep. 20, 2015.

I am prepared to wager that approximately half of the people reading this article have, on at least one defiant occasion, reached out guiltily, crossed that invisible and inviting red tape, and touched an artwork in a gallery. But have you ever licked one?…[read on…]

Exhibition // POSITIONS Berlin: Highlights 2015

Blog post by April Dell – in Berlin; Saturday, Sep. 19, 2015.

Back for the second time, and in the new ambitious location of Arena Berlin, POSITIONS art fair opened yesterday showcasing 78 gallery exhibitors, representing 233 artists from 37 different countries. White walled booths filled the giant cantilever hanger featuring…[read on…]

Exhibition // Hito Steyerl In Many Places at Once, Including KOW Gallery

Blog post by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Friday, Sep. 18, 2015.

A funny thing happened to me the day I went to Hito Steyerl’s opening at KOW Gallery on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Around midday I was walking past Museum Island, where there was a large number of work crews and trucks, as if a film was being shot. Along my way I found …[read on…]