
Spotlight // Natalie Frank

Berlin Art Link Blink article about Natalie Frank

by Louisa Stark in Berlin // Mar. 25, 2018
At a glance Natalie Frank’s most recent work seems to follow in the tradition of Edgar Degas, both in her choice of subject matter and its subversion. The New York based artist’s 2017 exhibition at Rhona Hoffman Gallery was a[read on]

Artist Book // ‘Patient’ by Hannes Gruber

Berlin Art Link Book 'Patient' by Hannes Gruber

Article by Jess Harrison in Berlin // Mar. 21, 2018
During an artist-in-residency programme at the Nida Art Colony in Lithuania, Hannes Gruber, compelled by loneliness and boredom, began illustrating hospital beds in watercolour. He managed to capture the obscure beauty,[read on]

Open Call for Artists // ArtSpring 2018

Mar. 19, 2018
From June 16–18, the Berlin districts Prenzlauer Berg, Weißensee and Pankow will become an open-air art gallery. With the aim of making the area’s studios visible and open to the public, ArtSpring 2018 is dedicating[read on]

Open Call for Artists // Art Spin Berlin 2018

Berlin Art Link Open Call Art Spin Berlin

Mar. 16, 2018
Art Spin Berlin is a community-based interactive bike tour of creative venues, art performances and site-specific installations throughout various Berlin neighborhoods. The aim of the tour is to bridge the gap between[read on]