Article by Lucia Love // Sep. 19, 2016
The only thing that can’t be sold is a gift. Once those glass angel figurines from last Christmas go up on eBay (and you squeeze some free money from them for a holiday blunt), those totems return to the rising…[read on]
Article by Romily Alice in London // Sep. 16, 2016
Rachel Maclean’s signature cute/grotesque aesthetic, rooted in the fairytale genre and a critique of happiness marketing, belies the labor intensive production techniques that facilitate its construction…[read on]
Article by Penny Raffery in Berlin // Sep. 14, 2016
We live in a world where work is precarious and exploitative. Using Facebook in our free time allows data-mining economies to profit while we sit idly skimming feeds because we are either overworked or out of work…[read on]
By Berlin Art Link // Sep. 13, 2016
GCC is a collective of delegates based in the Arabian Gulf, including Nanu Al-Hamad, Khalid Al Gharaballi, Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Fatima Al Qadiri, Monira Al Qadiri, Aziz Al Qatami, Barrak Alzaid and Amal Khalaf…[read on]
Article by William Kherbek in Berlin // Sep. 09, 2016
The title of this exhibition takes its name from a work by Martin Kohout, a series of prints of book covers placed behind gold privacy filters that promise their readers the capacity to survive renovating,…[read on]
Article by Louisa Elderton // Sep. 07, 2016
You could say that Erwin Wurm goes that extra mile to make people work. I mean, really work. At his recent Berlinische Galerie exhibition, the main hall buzzed with frenetic energy as crowds of people climbed…[read on]
Article by Nathaniel Marcus // Sep. 05, 2016
My point of entry into ‘Poppy — Trails of Afghan Heroin’ was a city in southern Kyrgyzstan called Osh. Spread across four projected video channels was footage shot out of a car window into a slate-colored street at evening, overlaid with a line of text on Osh’s sex worker trafficking…[read on]
Article by Benjamin Busch in Berlin // Sep. 02, 2016
Last year’s popular book ‘Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work’ (Verso) set forth three interwoven political…[read on]
Article by Penny Rafferty // Aug. 26, 2016
Pastel-hued breasts, hair etched into painted canvases, stealth desert snakes and over-sized hands melt seamlessly together. A sex-conjoined animal and human in a lucid dream-like state are some…[read on]
Article by William Stewart in Berlin // Aug. 19, 2016
A truism: lives stretch out in a series of shifts. Whether at the scale of days, years, or decades, existence constitutes a chain of transitions from one state to another. There are moments of development and crisis, of personal…[read on]
Article by Alice Bardos // Aug. 16, 2016
Seeming to effortlessly keep a finger on the pulse of rebellious youth cultures including street-style, post-mainstream publications such as High Snobiety carry an air of allure and yet somehow…[read on]
Article by Alice Bardos in Berlin // Aug. 12, 2016
I’d done research into his sculptures and surreal post-internet pieces before I’d met him, but going off of the intellectual and nostalgic facets of his work—in tandem with with my quickly made presumptions towards…[read on]