Article by April Dell // Apr. 5, 2016
Secret Surfaces at KW Institute for Contemporary Art is a sensory smorgasbord as its vast selection of works tackle a complex theme: the production of meaning. The exhibition proposes and…[read on]
Interview by Ruth Amelung // Apr. 04, 2016
I am sitting in a typical Kreuzberg café, white tiled with a wooden, slightly industrial interior flair. It’s just before noon on a grey Wednesday, but it isn’t very busy. An americano in front of me, I’m waiting…[read on]
Interview by TL Andrews // Mar. 29, 2016
Ato Malinda’s work as performance artist and activist has been featured at venues like the Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, the National Museum of African Art and The Smithsonian…[read on]
Article by April Dell // Mar. 28, 2016
The latest group show at nGbK in Kreuzberg declares with its title that Father Figures Are Hard To Find. In reality, so-called ‘father figures’ can be found everywhere in the heteronormative, nuclear…[read on]
Article by Alice Bardos // Mar. 25, 2016
Artists April Gertler and Adrian Schiesser have been hosting art exhibitions in the intimate spaces of homes since 2012. Initially the project space, called Sonntag for the day they always take place on,…[read on]
Article by Lee Escobedo // Mar. 24, 2016
A room of one’s own: where she can be herself. She can raise her voice. She can make a mess. Or, like Virginia Woolf wrote in her novel, A Room of One’s Own: it is a place where she can speak…[read on]
Interview by TL Andrews – in Berlin // Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2016.
Kevin Faingnaert has made a name for himself photographing obscure communities and sub-cultures. His works include portraits of an underground racing community that operates without any rules…[read on…]
Interview by Alison Hugill – in Berlin; Monday, Mar. 21, 2016.
Ryan Mendoza is a Berlin-based, American painter who has taken on a different sort of conceptual project with his latest work, alternately known as ‘Detroit House,’ ‘Coming Home’ or…[read on…]
Article by William Kherbek – in Berlin; Thursday, Mar. 17, 2016.
The legacy of Rachel Lowe Lambert Lloyd Mellon is the subject of Rachel Alliston’s exhibition Property of a Private Collection at Centrum Gallery. Mellon, known to friends and various cultural icons as “Bunny”, is an exemplar of a particular generation of the American aristocracy…[read on…]
Article by Alice Bardos – in Berlin // Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2016.
The exhibition of set designer, and artist Julian Göthe’s work is fittingly named after Colin Newman’s Their Terrain. The show is a provocative meeting place for..[read on…]
Interview by Penny Rafferty, Photos by Ériver Hijano – in Berlin; Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2016.
At every opening held at Sexauer gallery you hear a whispered or hushed question: “Have you seen the salon?” of the Regardless of the answer, an enthusiastic exaltation of the space follows. The home is..[read on…]
Interview by Marc Girardot in Berlin // Mar. 11, 2016
In Senegal, when President Abdoulaye Wade wanted to run for office yet again in 2011, a resistance movement formed on the streets. Shortly afterwards, a group of school friends, including rappers…[read on…]