Feature Topics

Exhibition // Light’s Effervescent Potential: Adolf Luther at 401contemporary

Article by A.H. McGavin – in Berlin; Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2015.

For much of his career, German ZERO artist Adolf Luther worked to depict light free of material constraints. Luther succeeded to some degree with painting, his first medium of choice; his abstract canvases were free of perspective or clear subject matter, but were not completely communicative of light’s…[read on…]

Exhibition // Reality vs. Perception: Miriam Böhm at Wentrup

Article by A.H. McGavin – in Berlin; Wednesday, Mar. 25, 2015.

Analog photography’s automatism has always offered a sense of objectivity in its portrayal of the surrounding world, and as a result it has always been valued for its perceived truthfulness. In The Ontology of the Photographic Image[read on…]

Exhibition // Man and Nature: Owen Gump at BQ Berlin


Article by A.H. McGavin – in Berlin; Monday, Mar. 16, 2015.

Fault Zone, BQ’s latest exhibition featuring work by American-born photographer Owen Gump, consists of a series of black and white photographs taken in the San Fernando Valley, just outside of Los Angeles. …[read on…]