Berlin // Apr. 14, 2017
From June 16—18th, the Berlin districts Prenzlauer Berg, Weißensee and Pankow will become an open-air art gallery. ArtSpring will dedicate a whole weekend to studio practice in the area: some studios existing for decades…[read on]
Article by Lisa Birch in Berlin // Apr. 8, 2017
The VR Arles Festival is a Virtual Reality orientated festival in Arles, France which aims to promote and highlight creative, unique and inspiring films that push back boundaries of cinema, storytelling, documentaries and…[read on]
Article by Lisa Birch in Berlin // Apr. 5, 2017
Art Space Geumcheon in Seoul are offering 4 residency periods of 3 months each, throughout 2017 and 2018. It is the art space’s 9th annual open call and…[read on]
Berlin // Apr. 03, 2017
The Chamber of Graphic Art and the Artists’ Union of Latvia invite visual artists to apply for a two-week residency during the international graphic art festival ‘Printmaking In’ in Riga, with a proposal for printmakers…[read on]
Berlin // Apr. 02, 2017
Aarhus Center for Visual Art (Aarhus Billedkunstcenter, AaBKC) invites international visual artists to apply to AaBKC Residency’s Fall 2017 program. The aim of AaBKC Residency is to introduce international artists…[read on]
Berlin // Mar. 25, 2017
Rainbow Unicorn—a Berlin creative studio and new gallery for contemporary visual arts—invites artists’ submissions to Volatile Truths, a group show that is searching for what lies between. Volatile Truths asks you to focus…[read on]
Mar. 24, 2017
Art Next Expo 2017 is calling for entries for its exhibition and International Artists Awards, to be held from Oct 6 to 9, 2017 at PMQ Central in in Hong Kong. Formerly known as New Art Wave, Art Next was…[read on]
Mar. 18, 2017
The Watermill Center’s Artist Residency Program began in 2006, when the center officially opened as a year-round facility. Each year, collectives and individual artists take up residence at The Watermill Center…[read on]
Mar. 12, 2017
The Hardbakka Ruins Project has recently launched the open call for its 5th and final year workshop and exhibition program. For this occasion, participants are invited to consider the relationship between…[read on]
Mar. 09, 2017
Stad en Architectuur vzw is inviting curators to apply for the curatorship of the lecture series Auditorium 17/18. The latest edition of Auditorium will take place from October 2017 to May 2018 in the STUK Arts Centre…[read on]
Mar. 07, 2017
SEA Foundation invites visual artists, art critics and curators to apply for a residency in 2017. Candidates can apply for one 3-month term, either April–June or September–November 2017. With its AiR program, which affords…[read on]
Article by Lisa Birch in Berlin // Feb. 27, 2017
Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM | Center for Art and Media are joining forces to offer an online web residency program aimed at supporting talent within the digital scene. Artists working within any web-based…[read on]