The DisOrdinary Architecture Project is a UK–based practice that seeks to develop new processes of spatial design and spatial justice in the built environment…[read on]
Culture Device is revolutionizing the definition of art and beauty through its projects. One such project, Drag Syndrome, is an inclusive platform for exceptional artists with learning disabilities…[read on]
Self-described as a strong network of artists and art mediators eager to counter mainstream ableist narratives and work towards inclusivity in arts and culture, Berlinklusion organizes a myriad of events and workshops and offers consulting…[read on]
Contemporary cultural production is upheld by structures that are exclusive, extractive and exhausting. Sickness Affinity Group offers an alternative to an individualized, competitive mode of artistic production…[read on]
The creation of art is often dialogic. An artist establishes a connection with the material world or an interior discourse and produces a work in response. The work of the Berlin-based Mexican artist Manuel Solano is dialogic in both this metaphoric sense of the term…[read on]
Jerron Herman, interdisciplinary artist based in New York, explores movement and performance as a site for bodies to relate and celebrate the sensory awareness of being…[read on]
Seeing a bench in a gallery that says “This exhibition has asked me to stand for too long. Sit if you agree,” is a sight for sore eyes—not to mention sore bodies…[read on]
Beatrice Gibson’s work is imbued with a tenderness that is difficult to come by these days. Amidst the chaos, violence and impending doom that seems to characterize the present moment…[read on]
There are many lessons that we can learn from the vegetal world, such as how to live together in a non-intrusive way (in the same way that leaves position themselves relative to their neighbours), adaptability to…[read on]
In Polish art history, social practice has its legitimate place. In the 1970s, Contextual artists believed in creating work in specific contexts, and with the moral responsibility of the artist, as well as art’s aim to…[read on]