
Katie Paterson

by Alison Hugill // Aug. 15, 2016
Katie Paterson might be a magician. She has the impressive ability to mobilize high level astronomers, space agencies, biologists, arborists, architects, and…[read on]

Fiction // East of Eden: An Interview with Yves Scherer

Article by Alice Bardos in Berlin // Aug. 12, 2016
I’d done research into his sculptures and surreal post-internet pieces before I’d met him, but going off of the intellectual and nostalgic facets of his work—in tandem with with my quickly made presumptions towards…[read on]

David Thorpe

by Alice Bardos // July 25, 2016
“I feel the building and I are quite in sympathy with one another,” explains the lean and genial artist, David Thorpe, in his Moabit studio. “It feels soft as if…[read on]