Interview by TL Andrews – in Berlin // Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2016.
Kevin Faingnaert has made a name for himself photographing obscure communities and sub-cultures. His works include portraits of an underground racing community that operates without any rules…[read on…]
Interview by Alison Hugill – in Berlin; Monday, Mar. 21, 2016.
Ryan Mendoza is a Berlin-based, American painter who has taken on a different sort of conceptual project with his latest work, alternately known as ‘Detroit House,’ ‘Coming Home’ or…[read on…]
Article by William Kherbek – in Berlin; Thursday, Mar. 17, 2016.
The legacy of Rachel Lowe Lambert Lloyd Mellon is the subject of Rachel Alliston’s exhibition Property of a Private Collection at Centrum Gallery. Mellon, known to friends and various cultural icons as “Bunny”, is an exemplar of a particular generation of the American aristocracy…[read on…]
Article by Alice Bardos – in Berlin // Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2016.
The exhibition of set designer, and artist Julian Göthe’s work is fittingly named after Colin Newman’s Their Terrain. The show is a provocative meeting place for..[read on…]
Interview by Penny Rafferty, Photos by Ériver Hijano – in Berlin; Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2016.
At every opening held at Sexauer gallery you hear a whispered or hushed question: “Have you seen the salon?” of the Regardless of the answer, an enthusiastic exaltation of the space follows. The home is..[read on…]
Interview by Marc Girardot in Berlin // Mar. 11, 2016
In Senegal, when President Abdoulaye Wade wanted to run for office yet again in 2011, a resistance movement formed on the streets. Shortly afterwards, a group of school friends, including rappers…[read on…]
Interview by Alison Hugill – in Berlin; Monday, Mar. 07, 2016.
Writers Jack Self and Shumi Bose and architect Finn Williams have been selected as the curatorial team for this year’s British Pavilion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale. In response to Biennale curator Alejandro Aravena‘s call for proposals under…[read on…]
Interview by Alison Hugill – in Berlin; Thursday, Mar. 03, 2016.
Open Forum is a project space owned by gallerists Nick Königsknecht and Hannes Schroeder-Finckh. The couple have opened their home to show work by admired emerging artists, blurring the boundaries between collector, audience and exhibitor. Last year they invited…[read on…]
Interview by Penny Rafferty – in Berlin; Monday, Feb. 29, 2015.
In recent decades many artists have turned their studios into offices from which they organize a multiplicity of operations and interactions. Others use the studio as a quasi-exhibition space, or abandon it completely for a flexible and mobile laptop…[read on…]
Interview by Celia Wickham; Friday, Feb. 26, 2016.
Through the creation of the online exhibition space Art Baby Gallery, artist and curator Grace Miceli has pioneered an inclusive and supportive network for the young female artists. Focusing on showcasing…[read on…]
Across the street from the once multifunctional studio space, nightclub, canvas for street ar Stattbad Wedding stands a hidden hinterhaus where Andreas…[read on]
Interview by April Dell – in Berlin; Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016.
BLUNTxSKENSVED are an artist duo made up of Canadian artists Grégoire Blunt and Emmy Skensved. With their online exhibitions, video works and installations, the Berlin-based pair…[read on…]