Posts Tagged ‘Göksu Kunak’

FASHION // An Interview with Matt Lambert


Interview by Göksu Kunak – in Berlin; Friday, Jan. 29, 2016.

Focussing on intimate stories of insatiable characters, artist and filmmaker Matt Lambert conveys flashes of glee and affection. In Lambert’s world, intimacy is not only affiliated with sexuality. The filmmaker is a visual poet who expertly embroiders stories of youth subcultures…[read on…]

INTERSECTIONS // Berlin-Bucharest: Performance and Queer Timing After the Wall

Article by Göksu Kunak – in Berlin; Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015.

It’s thrilling to hear stories or watch films about divided Berlin, recognizing an extremely different Potsdamer Platz covered in dirt and dust. I recently visited the university I used to work at as a research and teaching assistant in Ankara, Turkey. One of my professors was studying in Berlin back in 1989. In a proud way, he reminisced…[read on…]

Interview // Hito Steyerl: Zero Probability and the Age of Mass Art Production

Berlin Art Link, Discover, artwork by Hito Steyerl

Interview by Göksu Kunak – in Berlin; Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013.

In the lecture performance I Dreamed a Dream: Politics in the Age of Mass Art Production (2013), writer and artist Hito Steyerl introduces us to the new Misérables of our era, while asking the pertinent question: Why are there so many art projects today? The absurdity of funding applications, the condition of the wretched who wait to be chosen or the link between museums and firearms…[read on…]

Sites of arrival and departure, rhizomatic connections and DIY aesthetics

Lee Garcia and Çiğdem Hasanoğlou

Blog entry and photos by Anna Smith – in Berlin; Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012.

A new space opened in a mainly residential Neukölln neighborhood, and its first exhibition already deals with several social as well as personal issues that reach out to the sociopolitical profile of the area. Amidst talks of gentrification, the identity of Neukölln, and a constantly growing (perhaps even saturated) artistic scene, a group of artists from diverse backgrounds and practices set up an exhibition…[read on…]