Posts Tagged ‘HKW Berlin’

THE WEEK Jan. 27–Feb. 2, 2020

Openings and events at Horse & Pony, Gropius Bau, Lars Friedrich, Akademie der Künste, Institut für alles Mögliche, Funkhaus Berlin, Buchmann Galerie, Tanya Leighton, Transmediale, Architektur Galerie Berlin, Wentrup, KW Institute for contemporary Art, New Toni, Kvost,…[read on]

THE WEEK Dec. 2–8, 2019

Openings and events at Spike, KW Institute, SAVVY Contemporary, Mountains Gallery, Easterndaze, Times Art Center, Future Gallery, NOME, Akademie Der Künste…[read on]

THE WEEK Oct. 14 – 20, 2019

Openings and events at DOKUARTS, KW Institute, SAVVY Contemporary, Mountains Gallery, Wasserhalle, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin Masters Foundation, Berlin Film Society, Fælleshus Nordic Embassies, Hebbel am Ufer [read on]

THE WEEK Mar. 18–24, 2019

Openings and events at HKW, Gropius Bau, Galerie Eigen+Art, DAAD Galerie, Future Gallery, Hamburger Bahnhof, Haus am Waldsee, Haus am Lützowplatz, Kreuzberg Pavilion, OQBO, Wichtendahl Galerie, Contemporary Fine Arts, Tête, Hebbel am Ufer – HAU1,[read on]

THE WEEK April 16–22, 2018

Openings & Events at Schlachthaus. fresh&fine art, Galerie im Turm, SR Contemporary Art, Videoart at Midnight, Schinkel Pavilion, Videoart at Midnight, Gropius Bau, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Leslie, District Berlin…[read on]

THE WEEK April 9–15, 2018

Openings & events at Spike Berlin, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Haus der Kultururen der Welt, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Schering Stiffung, Schwartzche Villa, Galerie Eigen + Art, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Display, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanian, Daad Galerie…[read on]

Exhibition // Death is a Luxury: Russian Cosmism at HKW

Article by Kimberly Budd in Berlin // Oct. 01, 2017
Death is the mistake, according to Nikolai Fedorov. As if, were it not for death, humankind would find a harmonious, immortal utopia in the cosmos. Russian ‘Cosmism’ was the school of thought founded by Fedorov…[read on]

Performance // transmediale Ever Elusive: iii at HKW

Article by Beatrix Joyce in Berlin // Feb. 14, 2017
Transmediale’s robust programme for this year’s edition of the festival, Ever Elusive, also included experimental performance. The Instrument Inventors Initiative, an artist-run-platform based in The Hague,…[read on]