Posts Tagged ‘Maxime Ballesteros’
Second Edition of TISSUE Magazine Launches in Berlin
Blog post by Anna C. Purcell – in Berlin; Monday, July 2, 2012.
In a city so immersed in perpetual artistic and sexual discovery, boundaries and norms cease to exist. And as thralls and thralls of young international creatives flood the now wide open city of Berlin, ideas about conventialism are further lost among the sea of new voices, drowning out generalities with the distinct and diverse intonations of various languages and perspectives.
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The Berlin Fashionweek Photodiary™ #3: My Own Private Fashionweek
Blog entry by Monica Salazar – in Berlin; Wednesday, October 26, 2011.
Using analog style photography, accented with handwritten notes and sketched drawings of journalists and designers during the shows. The Berlin Fashionweek Phototdiary offers a peak into the behind the scenes images of fashionweek. …