“Work, hard, intensive work that takes up all your brain and nerves, is the greatest pleasure in life”—or so Rosa Luxemburg would have us believe…[read on]
Paintings and collages by the Munich-born artist Thomas Eggerer that are presently on view at Capitain Petzel bracket the rich history of the site…[read on]
Sandra Vásquez de la Horra is a mother, a psychologist, an anthropologist and a cook, she tells me, when I ask her about her practice. Experienced in a variety of creative…[read on]
We spoke to Haley Mellin about the importance of integrating conservation into both the content and the concept of her work, and what we as humans can learn from attuning to the natural…[read on]
I recently read that Wynnie Mynerva had been described as one of the most fascinating artists of our time. In an era where few artists manage to create works that can still be disturbing…[read on]
How does art history influence contemporary artists today? ‘You Me,’ an exhibition featuring works by Jill Mulleady and Henry Taylor, now showing at Schinkel Pavillon,…[read on]
At Pirelli HangarBicocca’s cavernous, industrial exhibition space, Thao Nguyen Phan’s works—videos, installations, drawings and paintings—bring a certain poetic softness…[read on]
‘— USSYPHILIA’ is Juliana Huxtable’s largest solo exhibition in Europe to date and dissects her usual wheelhouse of themes, from queerness and sexualised bodies…[read on]
Life on the shores of Lake Maggiore seems perfectly unbothered. On most days, this body of water is just as peaceful, reflecting far more dramatic views of the surrounding Alps…[read on]
Lewis Hammond is a Berlin-based, British artist who depicts a small and highly symbolic world in his paintings, reduced to hideaways where bodies surrender to one another…[read on]
Marianne Thoermer’s studio has the two key ingredients of light and space. The street outside is peppered with trees—from one sounds the high-pitched call of a redstart and its mate…[read on]
The defining feature of Via Lewandowsky’s practice is not a material or a theme but an attitude—a nearly palpable, restless curiosity. It is also what makes his work so difficult to pin down…[read on]