Posts Tagged ‘performance art’

The month of Performance Art

by Henna Räsänen // May 25, 2011
The numerous locations around Berlin have been a platform for performances of interesting artists from around the world. The program started on May 1st and lasts until…[read on]

Extension Series #7: Jan. 13, 2011

The 7th Series of Extension presents two young artists, the German Sylvia Rimat and the Dutch Nina Boas, whose pieces of work play humorously with theatrical illusions and the use of fine narrative mechanisms of interaction with the audience…[read on]

Lewis Forever

Berlin Art Link Studio Visit with Lewis Forever
by Monica Salazar // Nov. 8, 2010
Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in Florida, Isabel, Ligia and Sarah Lewis join the influx of international creative professionals participating in the dynamic…[read on]