With the sun shining over Berlin this last week, the season’s hottest fashion trends have started to appear. Inspired by Frida Kahlo, photographer Antje Taiga Jandrig has…[read on]
Nicky Broekhuysen crunches numbers and societal conventions. Using the language of binary code, she meticulously stamps out new patterns and formations of 1 and 0 to signify the set…[read on]
This photographic diary tells the story of the Berlin Fashion Week in July 2010. The interest of both editors, Photographer Marc Schuhmann and Art Director Joern Toellner,…[read on]
I recently sat down with the artist Zefrey Throwell, and partners in performance and curators Per Schumman (Entwurf-Direkt, in Hamburg) and Malte Zacharias…[read on]
A contemporary art gallery serves a variety of functions; aims to accomplish a certain set of goals. Hopefully high on the list of priorities – which includes presenting beautiful…[read on]
Gregor Stephan, a German photographer, has lived and worked in Berlin since 2006. His experimental approach to photography produces captivating photos that probe…[read on]
Lisa Jugert, an artist with a focus on photography, has lived and worked in Berlin for the last two years. A graduate of the Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, Jugert’s photographs…[read on]