Posts Tagged ‘William Kherbek’

Art Beyond Labels: An Interview with Manuel Solano

a still from a video portrait of the artist Manuel Solano wearing a white suit jacket over a white shirt, against a blue background, gaze focused on the viewer
by William Kherbek // Nov. 20, 2020
The creation of art is often dialogic. An artist establishes a connection with the material world or an interior discourse and produces a work in response. The work of the Berlin-based Mexican artist Manuel Solano is dialogic in both this metaphoric sense of the term…[read on]

Gut-Machine Poetry: An Interview with Jenna Sutela

berlinartlink interspecies jenna sutela

Interview by William Kherbek // Apr. 17, 2020
Jenna Sutela’s art has concentrated on the ways various microorganisms experience and impact the biosphere. From the poetic output of a bacteria colony used to power a computer to the creation of a pseudo-language[read on]